Here is a series of some of the basic php programs. These programs will be very useful for those who are beginners in php. These topics will be especially helpful for the beginners, who wish to start from the very beginning of php, and don't have any knowledge regarding this language. Don't worry if you are an expertise in php, as here you will revise many your previous concepts, and you will definitely find some new one. If you are a beginner then follow this specified sequence and enjoy!!!

  1. Program for printing Hello World.
  2. Working with Strings.
  3. Inbuilt string manipulation functions.
  4. Constants
  5. Compound Assignment, increment and decrement operators. 
  6. Inbuilt Functions for numerical data types.
  7. Introducing Arrays, concept of heterogeneous arrays and Basic Array Functions
  8. Boolean data types and some basic functions
  9. Type casting and some type specifying functions
  10. if else statement
  11. Example illustrating use of switch case
  12. Loops - for loop, while loop, and foreach loop.
  13. continue and break statements
  14. Pointers for accessing arrays, and some functions.
  15. User defined functions.
  16. Functions that takes arguments.
  17. Returning multiple values from functions.
  18. Default arguments in a function.

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