Sunday 10 November 2019

My StackOverflow Answers

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Finding out nth fibonacci number for very large 'n'"
Sum of factorials for large numbers"
Linked list implementation in C?"
C++ ProjectEuler #11"
OS time scheduling program"
Algorithm to calculate the number of divisors of a given number"
C: convert a real number to 64 bit floating point binary"
How to use spaces in a ""variable name""?"
Linked List with random integers C++"
Right algorithm for finding largest prime factor"
using qsort to sort an array of long long int not working for large nos"
Getting runtime(NZEC) error when submitting it on codechef"
Java : How is memory usage of a program calculated by a java compiler?"
Two dimensional array malloc in C ---> error?"
Significance of double pointer and triple pointer in this code snippet"
What's the difference between SoftReference and WeakReference in Java?"
Java: difference between strong/soft/weak/phantom reference"
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException in QuickSort method"
Comparing objects in HashSet"
Running first JCStress test"
Greedy search algorithm"
How to ""swap"" two values in an array?"
ProcessException: Process ""C:\Users\...\android\gradlew.bat"" exited abnormally:"
My quicksort implementation gives wrong result"
Recursively sort an array"
How to make simmetric matrix in C language"
What way I can represent a weighted, directed graph in Java?"
Best algorithm to group and add in a list of following pattern"
how to solve ""cannot make a static reference to the non-static method""?"
Recursion to compare two Arrays without using loop [pseudo code]"
Printing all primes recursively given a number"
ArrayList return type in generic interface - expected"
Garbage Collection works automatically or manually?"
malloc int array (Segmentation fault)"
Arraylist to JLabel"
No such element exception with the scanner class"
Dynamic Programming - Jumping jacks"
What is the algorithmic time complexity, if the exact is ∛(n^2 )"
prime factorization decryption"
Algorithm - how to get count of active session in time series?"
Count the semiprime numbers in the given range [a..b]"
Force JVM to free memory"
how to write write a set for unordered pair in Java"
Lazy, but persisted, evaluation of java 8 lambda"
Optimizing QuickSort when there are lots of duplicate in the array"
Java check for increment/decrement pattern"
Why my code for prefixAgain is not working?"
Converting Stream to a single IntStream"
Writing a proper implementation of compareTo"
The expected height of a randomly filled binary search tree on n distinct keys is O(log(n))"
foreach loop string to multiply digits together"
Predicates java 8 with generics and inheritance"
Which SOLID principle is violated in the following code?"
group dishes with common ingredients"
casting Integer Object to double throwing error"
How many subproblems are there in this Activity Selection recursive breakdown?"
What are the possible scenarios for using newly created object and reference in Java?"
How to use a list to populate a grid?"
How to read a file containing strings and integers into an ArrayList and sort by integer?"
Correct and Best way to use Hashmap?"

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